Sunday, December 18

it would last longer

first check out the link in the title for the reason of this sites existence.
the main site is called:
its really stupid and usually funny.
this guy who hates the corporate world draws these silly mini cartoons, which correspond to most average people's lives, usually about hating co-workers, not going to grad-school, playing banjos, the effects of coffee... "hipsters, hamsters, and other pressing issues" (the names of the book the artist published).

i like this one about making bob dylan covers, this about google taking over the net, and this is for james. oh- now im getting carried away.. this reminds me of my brother... oh man there are so many- just check it out!

1 comment:

amander pander said...

additionally, i realized that the "google" link in that post reminds me of adam. the end.