Tuesday, December 13

Don't Believe the Hype

If you've ever heard a rumor or an urban legend about "G-13" or some other ultra-powerful, government-grown, secret marijuana plant, then boy were you wrong. According to this article, the government's weed sucks, and is probably no better than that schwag "your friend" got for you in 11th grade.

Now that the location of the government's sole growing facility is a matter of public record, I urge you to make a pilgrimage to tell the guards at the lab how much their product reminds you of sketchy dudes in Central Park.

1 comment:

howrad said...

Looks like Shwag to me and you get it from from the Rastas in Washington Square. And what are they talking about "36-year-old monopoly on research marijuana". I've been conducting a study of my own for over 5 years. All jokes aside this could be a step in the righ direction, but probably not. I'm not really interested in large institutions of any kind being involved in marijuana cultivation