Tuesday, February 7

Arts & Crafts for Extra Credit

In what could be the most childish, ignorant, backward response possible, Iran's Hamshahri newspaper is going to publish "Holocaust cartoons" as a way of lashing out against recently published cartoons of Muhammad in some Western newspapers. The original uproar began because Islam teaches that a physical representation of Muhammad is forbidden.

In recent months, Iran's young, ultra-idealist leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has repeatedly tossed out the idea that the Holocaust either never happened, or was grossly exaggerated. Further, he stipulates that if indeed the Holocaust happened as "we say" it happened, then the U.S. and Europe should provide a home for Israel (I thought that was taken care of, but apparently my interpretation of post-WWII world history is wrong).

The cartoon contest will have 12 winners, each of which will receive a shiny gold coin (I'm not joking) from an anonymous donor.

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