Wednesday, October 4


This conversation took place a few minutes ago between 2 of this blog's contributors and is completely unedited. Enjoy.

Adam: last week i was walking home from the bus and i saw a mangled plastic bottle on the ground… it took me 2 seconds to pick it up and throw it in the garbage (and about 10 seconds to wash my hands when i got home)… yet while i was doing it, i thought to myself "people around me probably think i'm nuts, just picking up trash off the street"…literally i didnt even have to break stride, the bottle was so close to the trash can…story of the world

James: totally…not only are people averse to doing hard work to help the world, they cant even do whats easy

Adam: its beyond that…people are afraid to do what i did…because of how they think others will perceive them…if i see someone throw trash on the ground in front of me, i have to say something to them…people need to be chided…our culture has been so anti-discipline for so long…like its wrong to spank kids and shit like that

James: "hey asshole go pick that fucking trash up and put it in the can'….haha

Adam: there have to be consequences. which is why the fall of the US mini-empire might be the best thing that ever happened to us

James: can u imagine that guy talking to his friends later…'i got in a fist fight over literring today'

Adam: "some crazy guy yelled at me for something! i can't remember what tho"

James: hahahaha…thats terrible…haha

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