Thursday, July 27

Luther of 21st Century, well not quite

This really is an amazing list. Its 95 theses for geek activists, its really well done and thought out. As far as I'm concerned it should be regarded as, 95 theses for anyone living in the 21st century who wants to be part of the solution. Here's too the solution!!

Top-100 videos of all time, with a twist!

Ok its not a M. Night Shamalalalalon caliber twist, but the internet allows us to do some neat things. The list itself is pretty reasonable, but there are some things missing (TOOL? Are u kidding me?? No tool videos?) Some of the rank ordering doesn't seem the way that many people would handle it. Also the blurbs at times are downright pretentious. But the cool part is, for every video there is an onsite link.

Wednesday, July 12

He'll crow. He'll fight. He'll fly. And then... he'll die.

Apparently crows are very smart, like unusually smart. I couldn't help but think of the crow's from disney's dumbo the whole time I read this.

The Green Fairy wasn't evil after all?

I love how as we learn more about pharmalogical sciences, it tends to turn out that campaigns against many things were likely just political razmatazz. Apparently when brewed properly (ie. like absinthe manufacturers from before the worldwide ban) absinthe is completely harmless and contains about .0005% toxin. And the best part is a native new orleaner has essentially unearthed those brewing practices, to bad its still illegal in the states. Yippie for misconceptions based on propaganda!